HTML is the language used to create Web pages that can be read by Web browsers.
HTML stands for HyperText Markup Language, the standard for describing the contents and appearance of pages on the World Wide Web. HTML consists of pairs of opening and closing tags, with attributes and values in between. The tags describe each element on a Web page, such as a paragraph of text, a table, or an image.
HyperText Markup Language (HTML) is the standard language for describing the contents and structure of pages on the World Wide Web.
World Wide Web browsers use hypertext to access and display information available on the World Wide Web. Hypertext is text that incorporates pointers to additional information. Microsoft Windows "Help" files are examples of hypertext documents. The hypertext documents used by World Wide Web browsers are ordinary text files that include special markings that tell the browser software something about how the text should appear to the user, as well as how to retrieve information when the user requests it. The language, or code, used for these special markings is "Hypertext Markup Language", abbreviated as "HTML".